Black Bear

Species available to hunt in Alberta

Choose Alberta for your Black Bear Hunt

The northern half and western edge of Alberta has an excellent population of black bears. Black bears are hunted both spring and fall. In addition, black bears often feed all day long which adds to the excitement and success.

Combine your hunts

Hunt black bear, waterfowl, deer and more in a single hunt

In Alberta the fall black bear hunt can often be combined with other hunts like upland birds, waterfowl, moose, elk and deer. Across much of the province black bears can be baited and this is a popular hunting strategy.

In spring the south facing slopes, usually of major river valleys, green up ahead of the rest of the area and their new green attracts black bears like a magnet. Spot and stalk hunting these valleys will closely resemble high country elk or deer hunting. In addition the warming slopes attract other local wildlife, which really adds to the enjoyment of the trip.

Don’t turn down the opportunity to hunt the farm fringe. Some of the finest black bear hunting is experienced while hunting wheat and oat fields.

There are a good number of Alberta black bears in both the Boone and Crockett and Pope and Young books. On top of this, fully 45% of the black bears are some color other than black with fully 5% of them being blondes. It’s not uncommon, especially in the more open habitats, to see a family unit of black bears each a different color.

On top of the high percentage of color phases available and the shear number of trophy bears, Alberta also offers a 2 bear limit. These factors, coupled with low license fees and a wide range of outfitters there's an opportunity for everyone.

Top Ten in Alberta: Black Bear

# Score Year Owner
1 22 7/16 1999 Dan B. Pence
2 22 5/16 2006 Kris S. Boivin
3 22 3/16 1983 Darren Daniel
4 22 1/16 1192 Richard Raiwet
5 22 2005 Kevin D. Martin
6 21 7/8 2008 Steve L. Magill
7 21 7/8 1983 Doug G. Shapka
8 21 3/4 2006 Gregory S. Spitzley
9 21 34 1998 LeRoy C. Haug
10 21 3/4 2001 Ronny F. Register
Hunt in Alberta